My #1 Rule When Buying New Clothes

style rules when buying new clothes

With a bajillion options of things we could buy and add to our closet, I think it’s wise to have a filtering process, to make sure what we’re getting is going to add to our closet, and not just take up more space [and decrease our wallet}.

My #1 Rule when buying new clothes?

I mentally go through my closet and see how many items that I already own can pair with the item in question. I try to make it at least 4 items, but love it if it can go to 7.

Why, you may ask? Because, if I want this item to have the most bang for its buck, I want it to be able to create multiple outfits, not just one. Let’s abolish one-outfit wonders to major events only. We need pieces that we can reuse in all kinds of outfits.

I can understand occasionally getting a statement piece, but even then, I’d hope you can style your statement piece a few different ways as well.

If you want to utilize your entire closet, if you want each item to have multi-wear value, this is the rule to run by yourself before checkout. It always helps you determine an impulse buy from an actual great piece that has some longevity in your wardrobe.

I hope this helps in your shopping adventures! Let me know if you have any questions you’d like me to discuss next.

xoxo, McKenzie


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